The Voidhammer & Black Nihility

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May 10, 2015 - We have received a generous contribution moment ago. This player has actually contributed us FIVE(5) The Voidhammer, Faceless Void's cosmetic weapon. He requested to remain as anonymous but let's call him Mr. X. On behalf of SEA Dota2 Inhouse League, a big thank you to this amazing Mr. X.

As good news comes, the winning team of SIL Captain's Draft Season 1 will receive the additional The Voidhammers on top of the two sets. We hope this could motivate the remaining teams in the tournament, and do all your best.

by croutons5

Good news don't stop there. Our sponsor TryHardGaming is hosting a giveaway for the Nightstalker Immortal Black Nihility from the Immortal Treasure I of The International 5's Compendium. One set will never be enough, so there are a total of three sets to be won! You can participate by clicking here and follow the instructions from there.

Other than items, we like to update every participants to take note on the brackets and schedule. As we approach near our tournament deadline, we are forced into a position where we have to schedule the game on a fixed time. This doesn't mean no reschedule is allowed as mentioned before, so you may e-mail us as soon as possible. Reschedule mail(s) after Sunday midnight will be reconsidered. Look at the schedule now to avoid any upset or misunderstanding.

As you might notice, we have moved ever so slightly on the Lower Bracket. We actually messed up the seeding on the lower bracket so we fixed it before anything goes wild. This arrangement ensures a fairer group seeding.

Before we end this, we wish every team and players all the best. Don't give up but try to give all you can in a game, no matter it's 15 minutes or 2 hours long.