The Adventure of SIL: Chapter One

12:00 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Disclaimer: Contain mild languages. Everything written below is purely fiction. Do not take this seriously.

In a land far away, there was a war. A war of greed, pride and wrath amongst fellow men and women, even the children have fought in the war. The war has been going on for 3 years and countless lives have been taken, the war's ruler Nardos was defeated by a special group known as the SIL and brought peace to the land, however their story does not end....

The land of Yotka, there was a small town called, Salem, where the SIL took refuged from the on-going war between Yeagues of Yegends and HotS and kept distant from any form of violence.

"Dude, walao ah, we can't start lynching random people." Dennis stated towards Stephen, "We can't rule over the people of the town, it's unjust!"

"Look, we need to stop these random murders and death threats we get from someone." Stephen replied, "This is the only town we have, we must protect them..."

"But we cannot protect the people from something we cannot see..." Nathan hushed "None of it would matter if we don't know what really is going on."

"I have an inkling..."Syamil guessed, "Remember where we had to deal with Nardos terrorizing the land? maybe he had a son!"

"Impossible." a small voice stated from the corner of the alley way, a shadowy figure slowly walked up to them.

"Oh Red. You're finally here!" Bunchana cooed.

"Sorry, been busy with the bar, how is everything?" She asked.

"Stephen wants to lynch more people." Justin stated, reading through documents of records and looking for a suspicious case "We have this dude, named DodgeViper who has been hanging around the tavern too much and has been a little rowdy."

"He's like an emotional Adrian." Gerry exclaimed as he wrote down more of the meeting.

"Well we cannot stop just yet... We need to find several people to face the stake." Gabo exclaimed "We cannot let the people know we have no control over the situation."

"He's right, we need a way to show the town we can protect them once more!" Castro cheered as he stood up and embraced Chris.

"I'll agree if we find more evidence, we cannot just pick randomly." Chris replied as he assisted Alex with their issues in the System of Salem on Alex's laptop.

"Dude, the system is recording nothing but green scores, and none of the reds." Alex declared, confused he refreshed once more.

"What are greens and reds?" Red questioned.

"It's basically a record of who has been bad or not, green means accepted and okay, red means nono." Nathan explained "So far, Adrian has done two strikes, and two other strangers we've yet to come across."

"Hang on.... There is a new face." Alex stared onto his screen "Riven..."

"Oh hey he finally entered the Land." Dennis smiled "He's okay. Don't worry if anything happens, I'll deal with it."

"We trust you with your judgment, Dennis." Bunchana nodded and leaned on Gabo's shoulders, feeling relaxed, and calm.

A car pulls up the main entrance of the Town, seeing a face so familiar yet so different.

"Riven!" Dennis yelled "It's Riven!"

Excited, the group walked towards the main entrance granting him passage to the town and it's wonders.

"So this is Salem?" Riven smiled at the group "Nice to meet you, I am Riven Sodran."

The group looked confused, as if they have seen him before, however they couldn't remember. Riven stared at the group, as they huddled up.

"He looks like..... Nardos..." Syamil hushed to the group.

"Kind of." Gerry agreed "But we cannot really say for sure."

"Coincidence?" Stephen asked

"He looks innocent" Red smiled and walked over "I am RedQueen, and here are the leaders of the Town, Chris, Gerry, Alex, Bunchana, Gabo, Nathan, Stephen, Syamil, Justin, and Dennis. And that is Castro, Chris's bitch."

"Whom are those two loud people?" Riven asked and gestured behind them where a effeminate child and a dude holding a deck spoke to each other loudly.

"Oh that's Adrian and Sam." Castro scoffed

Riven smiled at everyone as they go show him around, but Red felt a little uneasy, as if Riven has been watching her.

"Guys, I shall be right back, gotta go to the bar!" Red smiled and left.

"Bar?" Riven asked once more

"You have a lot of questions." Stephen stated.

"She runs a bar/café with Syamil, but anyway, so you can stay here, in this block, feel free to contact us anytime." Alex explained "Chris give him his stuff."

"So here you go, keys, rape-whistle and ID card for entrance to the town whenever you leave." Chris smiled as he handed Riven the items.

"Be careful" Gabo warned

"Yeah" Castro added "Not everyone in the town is friendly, but we happen to cope."

"Just try not to cause trouble." Syamil added

"Well you're settled, we have to go now. It's getting dark. It's never safe at Dark." Justin concluded as they all leave for their respected homes.

"Oh I don't plan to..." Riven smiled as he closed his door and watched them walk away. "Not just yet..." he stared to the soft emitting light coming from the bar.

"And so it begins."


Story by RedQueen
Narrate by Natan (exclusively on Teamspeak 3 server)


The Adventure of SIL: Prologue

11:02 PM Unknown 1 Comments

Uncover the exclusive fiction now
Disclaimer: Contain mild languages. Story written below is purely fiction. Do not take this seriously. We held no responsible for your kreygasm in this plot.

They were there, waiting for each other, standing amidst the heat, under the same blue sky, as their eyes glistened for each other.

"I am sorry, I have been busy with work" Chris said to his love, Castro a maiden of black hair chided gently to him "I - it's okay, Chris-senpai, I'm very daijoubu..."

"Look at those too, always so sweet, it's kinda annoying..." grumbled the strong Stephen of SIL, as he held Nathan's hand and kissed it gently. "You're very sweet too, Stephen..." he lightly whispered under a blush.

Raymond, ran towards Alex with a bouquet of roses, and knelt down, "Alex my sweet love, forgive me, I arrived late!" Alex froze in awe of his lover, despite his disappointment, he helped him up and replied "B-baaka! You should put your education first before me! But it is okay, you're here now."

Syamil cooly walks to Gerry, with a ring and a key, and flopped his forehead against him and said "Bernardus, I give you the key to the cafe and a promise ring, that we'll always be together..." Gerry blushed and giggled lighty, "Syamil-kun, thank you! This means the world to me!" Gerry jumped and embraced his Syamil.

"Guys I have an announcement to make!" Stephen said aloud.

"What is it?" They all asked, Stephen smiled and pulled Nathan close and kissed his hand once more, whispering to him "Are you ready?"

Nathan nodded in agreement and held his head high, "We're expecting a baby boy!" Stephen showing his megawatt smile to his friends, as they applaud them.

"Bunchana!" Gabo shouts, "Over here leader.... and my love." Bunchana waved hello to everyone and sat with Gabo, "What did I miss?" He asks as he kissed his cheek and smiled, "Stephen and Nathan are expecting a baby boy this Season 2!" He cheered, Bunchana shot up and embraced Stephen "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" Stephen blushed and glanced to Nathan whom was smiling and laughing with their friends as he deeply fell in love more with the man he'll have a child with.

As the group chatted, the felt a tingle, a smidge, a disturbance in the area. There they heard a familiar high pitched squeal, they knew it was, Sam.

"OMG GUYS YOURE ALL HERE, HOLY FUCK" Sam squealed in joy of seeing them altogether in one bistro, "Sweetheart! Come over here look!" He yelled. "What the fuck, Sam, what is it now?" A boy carrying a hearthstone deck and endlessly shuffling it appeared beside Sam.

"ADRIAN!?" the group exclaimed.

Dennis shortly joins carrying Justin into the Bistro, "What's all the hullaballoo?" Justin jumps off Dennis and embraces him, "Oh Adrian, you're here..."

"Of course I fucking am, Lana dragged me here," Adrian complained.

Dennis did not approve of his behaviour and language towards the other members and moved Sam away, "Aeo, that's not how to treat your girlfriend."

Adrian did not like being repirmanded, instead he hauled back Sam and pushed Dennis to the side, "Mind your own business, Dennis."

The name tingled along the waves of Dennis, being reminded of his past, he clenched his fists and wanted to punch Adrian but, Justin held his fist and Dennis saw light once more, he remembered why they stopped all violence.

They all look at the statue near the Bistro, where they commemorated their fallen Queen of Red, from the violence of the war, which is the reason why they are all still alive.


Story by RedQueen
Narrate by Natan (exclusively on Teamspeak 3 server)


Glory and Hats Awaits in Fame and Fortune

2:21 PM Unknown 0 Comments


The guild has been awful quiet recently. At its prime, SIL has had multiple consecutive lobby games going, with a total of around 30-50 active consecutive players at a time. We have observed that the The International 5 Compendium has changed this. To get our guild up and running once more, we have come up with an idea that will hopefully pique your interest.

Introducing "Fame and Fortune", a MVP system where the players decide who performed the best within their respective games. What's in it for you? Glory. Multiple instances of glory and recognition by your fellow guildmates, and the Treasure of the Nested Cache at the end of the MVP rainbow.

Participation is fairly simple. All you have to do is play lobby game with your SIL guildmates and be the best! 

1. Head into an SIL lobby game (don't forget, pass is silgg).
2. Play, enjoy, and do your best to win it for your team.
3. Vote for who you think was the MVP in your game.

The MVP for a game is determined by the highest number of MVP votes. Players may not vote for themselves. Instead, voting for someone else automatically gives one self-vote.

e.g. Game 1 has Players A, B, C
Player A votes for Player B: A = 1, B = 1, C = 0
Player B votes for Player A: A = 2, B = 2, C = 0
Player C votes for Player A: A = 3, B = 2, C = 1
Player A is MVP of Game 1.

Failure to vote for someone else results in no self-vote.

Players may vote through any means that works best, be it the in-game chat, the guild chat, or a separate chat channel entirely. It's all up to you. Just make sure someone can screencap the post-match results as lobbies do not appear on Dota 2 profiles or other site media. What you do with the screencap and vote results? Email to us at with subject " FAME & FORTUNE"! Example shown below.

The attached screencap should look something like this.
.Kawolee voted for Tez
Aaaaaaa.L voted for Tez
最牛KICK水哥 voted for Tez
Tez voted for Aaaaaaa.L
Juk voted for Tez
Only me voted for Radnedge
Radnedge voted for Tez
WindForce voted for Radnedge
Biksbull voted for Radnedge
Fai D. Flowright voted for Only me

The result shows Tez has 6 votes, including one self-vote upon participating in the voting and Radnedge has 5 votes, including the self-vote. Clear winner for this Fame and Fortune (mock) lobby goes to Tez.

Certain members have been delegated to be in charge of generating lobbies for you to participate in, and head the voting system. But remember, anyone and everyone can host a lobby, so you have no need to wait for a lobby to be created for you. Yes, you can start one yourself! The more lobby games that you join, the higher the chances of being considered MVP. The first round will end on 20th July 2015 tentatively.

Guild rules are still in effect. We are especially strict about abusive and harmful behavior in the community. People who violate the rules will have no chance to be considered MVP, and will be dealt with as per guild rules.

Each game gives one player an MVP point. These MVP points will be tallied at the end of a certain timeframe and the player with the most MVP points at the end wins the prize. There will be multiple timeframes.

Now, don't be too complacent just because you think you're good. The total won't be based off of YOUR games, but the TOTAL number of lobby games played within the timeframe. You may have a 100% MVP point rate, but someone else may have played 4 times as many lobbies as you and gotten just enough MVP points to overthrow you.

What are you waiting for? Start making the plays!

Any inquiries, please approach any of the available admins through Steam or in-game.


SIL-IXDL Private League

1:12 AM Unknown 3 Comments


As the guild has gone a little inactive in this few weeks, we have decided to rent an IXDL server. We had this server running for few weeks, and only will last for a month unless we decide to continue it. This is an experiment to test run the crowd and dedication to host and play within our guild, before The International 5 and SIL Season 2. Our fund can only support a 25-users server in IXDL currently, and remember this is an experimental league.

As you can see above, we have a list of familiar names in the server. If you are interested in joining us, please leave us a comment or contact any of the available admins in the guild. We are currently full, but we will try our best to make some slots for most members to try it out. To expand the user slots need some funding, and we are in the midst of settling that. Please be considerate on this issue.

Find more information about IXDL here. Any inquiries, please contact us by emailing to us.

Now, the real question. Would you donate us (for example $5 per person) to play on our own IXDL private server, and support us on other costs?

We desperately need some funds to run this server and other costs to maintain our guild, also create more good activities. Please provide us your valuable inputs, we are glad to hear them out. If you like what we are doing here, please support us by donating. You may click the "Donate" button on the right.

Thank you very much. Good game, and have fun.