SEA Dota 2 Inhouse League Moves Forward to Inhouse Tournament.

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A month has passed. On 22nd February 2015, our supreme leader, ㄨyz | 777 created SEA Dota 2 Inhouse League. The guild caters players from SEA region which like to play inhouse matches with a controlled and friendlier community. The objective is to take a step further on creating a less toxic environment to enjoy our casual Dota 2 matches unlike the current pub scene we encountering.

As for now, the team behind SEA Dota 2 Inhouse League has decided to gather the decision of guild mates on whether which type of tournament we should be organising. A community by the players for the players – we wish people could participate in this survey and feed us some suggestions of theirs.

Please head over to our subreddit thread for more information about the type of tournament we have in our minds and fill in the survey form we made. The results will be announce soon!